Message 1 - What Glasses Are You Wearing? - Part 1
Everyone reads Romans 9 with a certain kind of eyewear. Many read them with Calvinist glasses. I challenge the listener to allow me to write a new prescription to see the verses clearly.

Message 2 - What Glasses Are You Wearing? - Part 2
Did Augustine and Calvin see Romans 9:10-13 clearly? I challenge their interpretation and share the outline we will follow to view these verses in the right way.

Message 3 - The Prophecy of Edom in the Jerusalem Council - Part 1
We begin our investigation by looking at Paul's formative years when he was trained as a Pharisee at the feet of Gamaliel.
The Edomite Enigma!
Listen to Jonathan Explain Romans 9:10-13
In The Edomite Enigma, Jonathan provides a fresh approach to these controversial verses by exploring their historical background. He believes a proper interpretation of Romans 9:10-13 comes by examining the history of Jacob and Esau, the history of Israel and Edom, the prophetic and extra-canonical statements about Edom, and the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. This history puts the interpreter in the correct frame of mind to approach the passage with the background that informed Paul rather than a centuries-later debate from proponents of various systematic theologies. Note: each message is about 15 minutes

Message 4 - The Prophecy of Edom at the Jerusalem Council - Part 2
To seal the verdict that gentiles are included in the Body of Christ as gentiles, the apostles quoted from Amos 9:11-12. We investigate that prophecy today.

Message 5 - The Prophecy of Edom at the Jerusalem Council - Part 3
The apostles used a prophecy of judgment upon Edom but showed how it was now a prophecy of mercy for Edom and all the nations of the world.

Message 6 - God's Message to Malachi - He is Faithful to His Promises - Part 1
Why did God say he hated Esau? To understand this statement we must return to the book of Malachi and learn what was happening in his day.

Message 7 - God's Message to Malachi - He is Faithful to His Promises - Part 2
When we understand the ancient covenant language in Malachi, we learn why God said, "Jacob I loved, and
Esau I hated."

Message 8 - The Prophecies About Edom - Part 1
When we investigate the prophecies of Amos, Isaiah, and Obadiah we discover an interesting truth about Edom - the judgments against it were not eternal reprobation in Hell.
Message 9 - The Prophecies About Edom - Part 2
After hearing Ezekiel's prophecies about Edom, we then learn something amazing: other prophecies promised salvation, and we learn that Edomites sought Christ!

Message 10 - Do Not Despise an Edomite for He is Your Brother - Part 1
Did you know that God gave Esau his land and fought for him just as he fought for Israel? God did not curse Edom. God blessed Edom!

Message 11 - Do Not Despise an Edomite for He is Your Brother - Part 2
God did so much for Edom, including allowing them to enter the assembly of Israel. God always wanted them to be part of his people.

Message 12 - How It All Started: The Stories of Jacob and Esau - Part 1
What can we learn from Rebekah's difficult pregnancy, the births of Jacob and Esau, and Esau selling his birthright for a single meal?

Message 13 - How It All Started: The Stories of Jacob and Esau - Part 2
Jacob steals Esau's blessing! Esau lifts his voice and weeps, and asks his father for a blessing? Did Isaac bless his son Esau? What can we learn from this story?

Message 14 - How It All Started: The Stories of Jacob and Esau - Part 3
We learn more about the blessing Isaac passed to Esau. Then, we study the dramatic reconciliation scene that has many surprising lessons.

Message 15 - How It All Started: The Stories of Jacob and Esau - Part 4
We review final lessons from the Jacob and Esau story. Then, we review all that we have learned about the Edomites in the OT. Does it support Calvinism?

Message 16 - The Final Enigma
This series has presented many enigmas for the Calvinist position that makes it untenable, biblically. In this message we learn about the final enigma and the strange theological partners for the Calvinist position.

Message 17 - God's Saving Vision
We conclude The Edomite Enigma by showing how understanding the background history and story enables one to have a clear understanding of Romans 9:10-13.
When you get The Edomite Enigma, be sure to get the companion
volume, Romans 9 and
the Story Paul Was