Message 1 - Our God is a
Great Commission God
The Great Commission did not begin after Jesus rose from the dead. It began when God created the world to fill it with his glory!
Message 2 - The Conflict of
the Kingdoms
When mankind rebelled against God, he filled the world with his kingdoms for his glory. Thankfully, that's not the end of the story!
Message 3 - The Great Commission and Christ's Birth
Even in Christ's birth, the heart of God to restore the nations of the world to himself was a theme that was repeated to everyone to hear.
The GLORY of the Great Commission
Jesus’ commission to reach the world was not an afterthought. It was not a backup plan made necessary by man’s sin. It was God’s first thought and first plan. Any commitment we have to the Great Commission must be rooted in this truth –
the Great Commission is God’s commission to fill the earth with His glory.
Note: each message in this 12-part series is about 15 minutes