Message 1 - Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling
Was Paul engaged in a Calvinist-Arminian debate, or did he have something else in mind when he wrote his famous words in Romans 9?

Message 2 - Why Paul Wrote Romans - Part 1
Was Paul writing a theological treatise, or was he addressing needs in the Roman church that pertained to Jewish and Gentile relations?

Message 3 - Why Paul Wrote Romans - Part 2
To address Jewish and Gentile relations, Paul explained the attitude Gentile believers must have toward Jewish people inside and outside the Church.
Listen to Jonathan Teach Romans 9
What if there were no debate? What if Calvinism and Arminianism were not part of the original discussion? What if we heard Romans 9 freshly in its first-century environment and according to the narrative of Scripture? Listen to Jonathan teach Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling and rejoice in this great truth - God is faithful to his promises!
NOTE: Each lesson is about 15 minutes long.

Message 4 - Paul Tells the
Truth - Romans 9:1
Paul had to set the record straight, theologically and personally, about his feelings for his Jewish kinsmen. He was not lying! He was telling the truth.

Message 5 - Paul's Passion for His People - Romans 9:1-3
It took Paul only 43 words to express the depth of his passion for his people. So great was his love, that he was willing to suffer in their place.

Message 6 - The Privileges of Israel- Romans 9:4-5
The staggering loss of Israel in Paul's day can be measured only when we consider the privileges they received and forfeited by rejecting Jesus.

Message 10 - Patriarchal Story 2 The Difference Between Esau and Jacob Pt 2 - Rom 9:10-13
Why did God choose Jacob and not Esau? Why did God say that he loved Jacob and hated Esau? How did this related to Paul's ministry in the first century?

Message 11 - Is God Unjust?
- Romans 9:14
If God chose Jacob to be the covenant bearer rather than Esau, and if he did not make that choice based on worthiness, was God unjust or arbitray in his choice?

Message 12 - The Mercy of God - Romans 9:15-16
The dramatic story of Israel's idolatry and Moses' intercession shows that God's covenant plans go forward by mercy, not man's ability or will.

Message 13 - The Power of God - Romans 9:17-18
The sinful hearts of tyrants are no match for God who moves his covenant purposes forward by hardening Pharaoh and showing the world who the true God is!

Message 14 - The Potter and the Clay - Romans 9:19-20
Why did God choose Jacob and not Esau? Why did God say that he loved Jacob and hated Esau? How did this related to Paul's ministry in the first century?

Message 15 - If God Did This, Then ... - Rom 9:21-22
Paul, writing about God's patience with sinners does not complete his sentence because he is overwhelmed with thoughts of the mercy of God.

Message 16 - Faith Makes the Difference - Romans 9:22-33
Why were some descendants of Abraham his children and others were not? The answer is in one word - faith! God kept his promises with those who believed.

Message 17 - Let's Get the Story Right!
Our Calvinist brethren are telling Paul's story in the wrong way. I share six of their many mistakes and exhort everyone to get the story right.
When you order Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling, be sure to get the companion volume,
The Edomite Enigma: Esau, His
Children, and Romans 9:10-13.

There is so much more to Romans 9! The first 16 messages are based on the first half of the book. The last message briefly touches on the last half of the book that engages with Calvinist interpretation. Want to go deeper and learn more?
Click here for the order page of Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling.