Connecting mankind.
With the true story.
Of the true God.
We are passionate about one thing - connecting the world with the story it must hear - the true story of God's love and grace to restore mankind to its place of honor that was lost through its sin and rebellion.

New Teaching from Jonathan! Click on each title below to listen.​
Click on each title to order
Jonathan Williams
Connecting Mankind.
With the True Story.
Of the True God.

The story of Jesus and the stories he told come alive for the listener as Jonathan weaves in cultural and historical details that help us understand who Jesus is and why he came to this world.
"I feel like I’m walking in the same streets as Jesus and am part of the crowd that follows him everywhere."
"Through your stories, I am amazed by the way Jesus lived his life and how much he sacrificed for us."
Listen as Jonathan takes you through Scripture in an informative and inspiring way to help you understand God's will.
"I am new to Christianity and the reason I waited was because I never heard it delivered as it was in your message today!"
"You bring God's word of eternal life and it comforts me."
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Jonathan's newest release! - Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling -
In one of the most hotly debated chapters in the Bible, the simplicity of Paul's story has been lost. Now, hear the story freshly in its first-century environment as Paul tells us about the faithfulness of God.
Not a big reader? Click here to listen to Jonathan teach Romans 9 and the Story Paul Was Telling.

Some were grieving or troubled by life's tragedies, but all had one experience in common – after they met Jesus, they were never the same. They were the women Jesus loved. Listen now to their stories.
"The Women Jesus Loved drew on my heart strings like no other."
"Jonathan helps the reader enter the emotional struggles of these women and find personal application and solutions for today."
"You will find yourself understanding and relating to characters that lived 2000 years ago like never before."
The biblical story, from creation to Christ, dramatically narrated for the world to hear.
Now in 35 languages.